Getting Reacquainted with PHP

By day, I'm a Java developer.  Back when I was a systems administrator and a college student, I used PHP quite a bit.  It was my scripting language; my glue; my web platform.  I even have some PHP source published (Github, BitBucket).  When I started with PHP, I wasn't using …

Public Code Samples

I recently had a recruiter ask me for some PHP code samples.  After doing some digging, I realized that I didn't have much to show.  Most of the cool stuff that I wrote was proprietary, so I couldn't just expose it.  The stuff that I've written for myself has been …

Symfony Framework

I've been coding in PHP for a few years, but I've never been exposed to any of the PHP frameworks.  I've been curious about Code Igniter and Symfony for a while, but I haven't had time to play with either of them.  Until now.

I decided to pick up Symfony …

Dijkstra's Algorithm in PHP

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking:  Why PHP?

Well, I have a fairly small graph (< 650 nodes), so trying to get a C or Java to interact with my preexisting PHP software isn't worth the boost in performance.  The implementation I found can read my graph from my database …