
In the summer of 2009, Temple's CIS department handed me a project.  They were plagued by syllabi.  Yes, syllabi (the plural of syllabus).  Why, you might ask?  Well, at the time of the project (and this writing), CIS's website was totally static.  Every time someone had a new course or an updated syllabi, it would have to be manually posted by CIS's webmaster (who also happens to be the co-vice chairman of the department).  Seeing this as a waste of time, my boss asked me to develop a system that would allow course coordinators to upload their own syllabi.  Since I knew PHP and MySQL fairly well, I was told that I was allowed to develop using a LAMP platform.

Courses, Instructors, and Mapping the Two

The overall goal of this project was to automate as much of the syllabus posting process as possible.  This started with the maintenance of courses, instructors, and knowing which instructor taught which course.  At Temple, we use a system called ISIS to manage student, course, and instructor data (note:  I should mention that Temple is currently moving to Banner). This system is responsible for a lot of things, one of which was to (poorly) describe which course was being taught by which instructor. Having this information on hand, all I needed was information about each instructor and course.  Since instructors don't come and go that often, someone in the CIS department whipped up a CSV file containing the instructor's name, email address, office location, amongst a few other things.  Using an import utility that I built, an admin level user could mass-import all of the instructors.  Once imported, instructors could be added, removed, or modified.  Instructors also have the ability to modify their own data (office, phone number, etc.).  Next came the course information.  Fortunately, I was able to also get course names from the ISIS system.  Some of the names were truncated and thus required a little bit of post-import editing, but most of the work was done for the user.  So, we have a database that has a bunch of courses, instructors, and a relationship between the two.

Now what?

The Syllabi

The CIS department has standardized syllabus format that their faculty are to use.  Faculty are told that in addition to including the sections mandated by the university, they must follow a uniform format. This made representing each syllabus easy -- I just needed to make several VARCHAR columns to store the various text.  In addition to this, I needed to denote which course each syllabus belonged to and which faculty member was the course coordinator.  This was important because only the course coordinator was allowed to officially edit the syllabus.  The other instructions were related to a given syllabus so that their contact information would be posted at the beginning of the document.

The Interface

The interface that the student interacts with is nothing too special -- I simply took the Dreamweaver template (yes -- CIS uses Dreamweaver and Contribute to maintain their site) and added some PHP code to it.  The user can view all of CIS's courses by instructor, course number, or course name.  Unlike the old system (which was just a bunch of HTML tables that were poorly laid out), this allows a user a few different avenues of search.

The interface that the administrator or course coordinator used is much different.  I made use of TinyMCE for editing all of the syllabus fields.  I also included some fancy AJAX.  Any time the administrator wants to link instructors to courses or save changes to an instructor/course/syllabus, an AJAX call is fired.

Techniques Used

As I already mentioned, I used some AJAX.  On the server side, I wrote a PHP file named ajax.php.  This file was responsible for mapping remote procedure calls (RPCs) to the correct PHP functions.  In order to reduce latency and to save bandwidth (not that I was short on either -- this is a small app), ajax.php was also responsible for encoding success/error messages and for encoding data between the server and client (this was before I knew about JSON).

Another thing that I had to be careful with was validation.  Since I was writing an application that was going to be used by computer science professors, I knew that I needed to program defensively.  I attempted to validate data on the client side via JavaScript for the convenience of the user, but I also made sure to validate all data on the server side. Since there was a relatively small number of arguments that the entire application would receive (< 40), every single piece of data that came in through a POST or GET was validated based on that argument's name and datatype.  If arguments were sent that were unnecessary, they were simply ignored.  This way, an instructor could enter in raw HTML or SQL keywords right into their syllabi without me having to worry about one of them pulling a Bobby Tables.  This also gave me some piece of mind that the professor who taught the QA course wouldn't come knocking at my door because of dirty data.

I didn't know what ORM was at the time, but I unknowingly used an ORM model.  Each one of my objects had a series of fields that were either directly read from a table or calculated based on table values.  Each one of my objects (models) implemented an interface that I wrote which mandated that they implement methods that define how to save to and read from a database or XML.  The related models even had methods to link and unlink themselves to/from each other.  This made it really easy to load data from the MySQL backend and spit it out to the client via XML.  It was nice to be able to write a small amount of SQL code within each object and to not have to write anymore SQL code for the remainder of the project.

LDAP authentication was the last great feature that I implemented.  At Temple, we have a system called AccessNet (now TUSecure).  It's the university's LDAP system.  It would be kind of silly to make the instructors memorize yet another set of credentials, so I worked pretty tirelessly towards the end of the project to get this bit to work.  At Temple, our Computer Services group tends not to have a very open mind when it comes to certain open source technologies.  I've been told by a few different CS staff that the department's belief is that PHP itself is a security vulnerability (would you expect any different from a hard-core MS shop?).  Instead of fighting with them, I went along with it.  Computer Services provides a basic C# class that developers could use to interact with their LDAP server.  In order to get around their limitations, I wrote a C#.Net web service that would accept a user's credentials over SSL and return a success or failure.  Once this was done, I wrote some code in my application to use this service. Things would work in this order:

  1. The user would click "Log in" and get redirected to an HTTPS login form.
  2. The user would enter their credentials and attempt to authenticate.
  3. My syllabus application would communicate these credentials to my C#.Net web service via HTTPS.
  4. The C#.Net web service would communicate with the TUSecure LDAP servers over SSL an receive a response (this response was more complicated than success/fail).
  5. The C#.Net service would relay a success/fail message to the syllabus application, which would in turn either grant the user access or deny the user, respectively.

All in all, I was pretty proud of this project.  There are some interface tweaks I would like to make, but this app works well.  As of the time of this writing, it's currently in use.
