A few hours ago I finished reading Effective Java, Second Edition by Joshua Bloch.  Bottom line up front:  totally worth the read!


The book's format is interesting.  At first, I wasn't sure if I liked it, but it grew on me.  The book is divided into 78 items, each one detailing arguments for an idiom or principle.  Many times, these items reference each other, especially when in the same group.  Sometimes this lends itself to the temptation to skip ahead to one of the mentioned items, but I managed to resist.  It's interesting to see how some of the items at the very end of the book related back to ones at the very beginning.  Forcing myself to wait to read about some of the related items gave me time to reflect on the item at hand and to kind of put it in the back of my mind before moving forward.  As I came across references to earlier items, I found that the earlier items made much more sense.  Not that they didn't make sense before, but sometimes Bloch would write a line or two that referenced items that I hadn't covered yet.  All of the sudden, those extra few lines here and there started making a lot more sense.  I think he did a very good job at linking items while allowing them to stand separate.  I didn't have to skip ahead to understand the item at hand.

The code used in the book is often reused when possible from item to item.  This makes it even easier to link common items together.  Because I was already familiar with the code, I could understand why parts of it were structured a certain way, which allowed me to focus more on the idiom at hand.  Often in programming books, example are written to illustrate a point in such an oversimplified fashion that they end up violating principles earlier in the book to demonstrate the current topic or they end up not offering enough code for a full demonstration.  Bloch does a really good job of avoiding this.  If he demonstrates a principle that overlaps with another one, he'll write the code such that it adheres to both and note it accordingly.  I also like that each principle comes with some "good code, bad code" examples.  While reading through some of these, I couldn't help but to be reminded of "Good Idea, Bad Idea" from the Animaniacs.

Structure of Arguments

I can't remember the last time I read a book when an author provided so much balance to their arguments.  Granted, sometimes Bloch did strongly advocate for or against something.  In most of those cases (I say most because I don't have enough background knowledge to make judgements on some of them), they were warranted.  Often, each argument came with a list of times when they were appropriate and when they were to be avoided.  Sometimes, simple litmus-test type questions were given in order to aid a developer in figuring out when a principle applies.  To me, this was *the* most important content of the book.  Some of the principles have obvious applications, but others were more obscure.  The list of principles does me know good if I cannot make an intelligent argument for or against one when developing a system.  I now have simple questions that I can ask myself or others to help determine what patterns or idioms are appropriate to apply to a problem.


You can't read an item without seeing several citations.  Looking at the list of sources in the book's appendix gives the reader a sense of just how much work and knowledge went into creating this book.  His sources run the gamut, from items as low level as the Java specification itself all the way up to citing himself and other best-practice authors.  This gives the reader the tools to go deeper should they choose to.  Want to know why certain features of the language aren't guaranteed?  Go read spec-X!  Want to be a multi-threading wizard?  Go read guide-Y!  As a result of this book, my next purchase will be the book that he cites on multithreading topics (I don't remember the title off-hand).  I'm also now curious to try my hand at going through some of the language specs.  Way to spark interest!

Final Thoughts

While this book is no bible, it was effective immediately.  I was able to easily apply some of these principles to my work and open source programming efforts.  I feel like I have a much deeper understanding of the language and how certain programming errors start and propagate themselves.  I've thought of type safety issues before, but the book took this sentiment a step further by getting me into the habit of structuring my code so that more errors are caught at compile-time.  This has been a great lesson in syntax, patterns, and quality assurance.  I will be reading this book again -- it was full of gems, and I'm eager to go back a second time and to see what else dawns on me.

- bstempi